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Haplochromis sp "Victoria nile"

Publié : mer. 15 juil. 2015 10:06
par tangani28
En voici un qui n'est pas très connu et sur lequel on trouve très peu de renseignement.

J'ai un couple adulte, la première ponte a eu lieu voici quelques semaines, mais n'a pas été à terme.
Le mâle mesure 12 cm et la femelle 9 cm.
Pour le caractère, c'est un calme, je devrais même dire très calme, au point où j'ai pu les maintenir pendant une année, dans un 250 L, avec les H. piceatus et les H. pyrrhocephalus, sans jamais avoir un problème.

Voici quelques renseignements que l'on trouve sur le net :

Haplochromis sp. VictoriaNile

This is a new species, that hasn't been yet fully described or
understood. It was imported by Ervin Schramla from Uganda in 2004 and
catched approximately 30 km away from Lake Albert in White Nile in Paraa
Lodge (area of Kabarega National Park). They grow up to 10 cm (possibly
more?). It's still unclear to which guild that species belong.

As far as I know, only few aquarists in Europe have them. I got mine
from Polish aquarist, owner of a website ,
and he got his from Germany and bred them. His specimens are the only
ones in Poland. Right now, apart from me, there are two or three people
that also have them, all from him.

I have six of those fishes in my aquarium, two male and four female. I
was positively surprised by nice male skin patterns. Their shape, color
and behaviour makes them attractive, much more than what I could suspect
from images or descriptions. They are also quite calm, again, nice
surprise. One might say they are still a bit uncomfortable with a new
habitat and aren't showing their true nature, but I don't think so.

Males don't hurt each other. Of course when they are close, they take
daunting/impressive stance (and show their skin color markings by the
way). The weaker one then withdraws, sometimes gently encouraged to do
so, but it's not as agressive as with other Haplochromises (I think we
all know how agressive some of those species can be...). Males took two
separate parts of aquarium: one swims by the cave in left side, the
other near right. They frequently swim to center and warn off each
other. That seems to be their favourite thing to do so far. It's even
more important for them than females, males pay attention to them only
if there isn't any other male around. And when they do so, it's so
intense, that I can await fry, lol

Females are calm and prefer to swim in group (of four in this case).
They don't seem to be trying to establish a pecking order and are
basically non-agressive toward each other. When they spot two males
fighting, they swim close by and watch them (perhaps observing which one
is stronger?). Startled or frightend males take same skin pigment
pattern as females.

It's worth noting that males are much bigger than females. My fishes are
four months old and are able to breed. Right now Haplochromises swim
alone in the aquarium (approx. 120 cm length). Possibly they will be
joined by Pelvicachromis fishes, at least temporarily (unless they will
mix well, then perhaps a bit loerr).

